Walk the Winds 2022

Walk the winds is still one of my favorite teardrop gatherings. Beautiful remote location and great people to spend a few realigning days away form city lights. We started off with a couple days of rain this year but for most of us escaping 100degree heat it was actually a nice reprieve. Even with a teardrop nobody wants rain while camping but if it’s unavoidable I’m happier getting it at the beginning of a trip so you setup accordingly and everything can dry out before it’s time to pack up.

Unfortunately not everyone is shown since a few people left early before I could get a photo of them with their teardrops and I forgot to do a selfie so neither am I. This year’s attendance came in at 23 people, 6 dogs and 19 campers from 8 states: 1 from California, 1 from Montana, 1 from Utah, 2 from Texas, 3 from Idaho, 3 from Illinois, 4 from Colorado, and 4 from Wyoming. In spite of the rain we had a good time, especially the dogs. It was great to see familiar and meet a few new ones too.

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